This will also save you the time you waste in making your plans from scratch and getting ideas on how to make your plans as well. Home Plan Templates – Most designing software programs will provide you with different templates to start your designs and add-on additional designs to complete your artwork. Here’s a look at some of the tools that are included in this type of software: Without them, expect some lag as the software can be a little too much for subpar setups. Punch! Home Design Studio TurboFloorPlan Home & Landscape SketchUp Garden Planner ConceptDraw PRO SmartDraw Landscape Design ToolsĪdvanced computer specifications are a must for the software features and the program itself to run properly. These types of software will also train you to use more advanced designing software. 3D Landscape Softwarepossess a few features and tools that will help you make more accurate and more detailed landscape designs.